Life Insurance Underwriting Process - What You Need To Know?

by SMCIB on Wednesday, 17 July 2024

 | Last Updated on Thursday, 18 July 2024

Life Insurance Underwriting Process - What You Need To Know?

Arya, a loving husband and a responsible father, works round the clock to provide for his family. Imagine working tirelessly from 9 to 5 and running back home to see your gorgeous wife and happy kids.

Isn’t this picture perfect?

But one fateful evening, everything changed!!!

Tragedy struck. Arya lost his life in a fatal accident on the way home.

This untimely demise left the family emotionally and financially shattered. How will they manage mortgage payments, tuition fees, or even day-to-day expenses without his income?

This is where life insurance steps in, offering peace of mind during life's uncertainties. It is not only planning for the unexpected but also assuring the future stability of your family, no matter what. Not only that, life insurance also helps you save money to reach your long-term goals.

Having said that, a life insurance policy may appear easy to obtain, but in practice, it is far from this. Insurers do not readily issue policies; rather, they carefully determine the risk profile of every applicant in a process called underwriting.

Underwriting is the evaluation carried out by the insurance industry on the risk of insuring an individual. It's an overall health check-up for the policy, where the underwriters thoroughly go through the age, state of health, occupation, and medical history to establish the likelihood of an eventual payout. After all, they're in the business of managing risk, so they need to ensure they're not taking on more than they can handle.

Today, in this article, we will dissect Underwriting in this piece, bit by bit.  But before we do that, let’s talk about Underwriters first-


In an insurance company, there's a dedicated team known as underwriters who delve into the details to analyse the risk of insuring you. They examine each proposal by poring over the financial information, medical records, and any other details you may provide. The most important thing for them is “to establish whether or not you qualify for insurance”.

Now, if they spot that you may be a little more risky than the average applicant, they are going to calculate some numbers and figure out how much extra you are going to shell out for premiums.


What Is The Role Of Underwriters In Insurance?

Underwriters are like the backbone of the insurance world, playing a vital role in keeping things running smoothly. Their main job is to evaluate the risks tied to insuring individuals or businesses. Here's the lowdown on what they do:

  • Assessment Of Risk
    The first thing underwriters do as part of their job is to assess the risk of insuring someone by looking at things like their age, health, lifestyle, job, and finances. This helps them figure out how likely it is that the person will make a claim.
  • Review
    Next up, they check for accuracy and thoroughness in the applications. This involves checking details, medical records, financial info, and anything else that's important for assessing risk.
  • Decision Making
    After weighing the risks, underwriters decide whether to give the green light or not on an application. If they say yes, they then work out the specifics of the policy, like how much the premiums will be and what the coverage limits are.
  • Calculation Of Premium
    When determining the cost of insurance, underwriters consider the level of risk associated with the individual. Those deemed higher risk may face higher premiums, while those considered lower risk may enjoy more affordable rates.
  • Policy Issuance
    Once the whole process wraps up and the risk is deemed acceptable, the underwriters double-check all the documents to make sure they're accurate and then send them off to the policyholder.
  • Meeting Regulations
    Underwriters are responsible for ensuring that their underwriting practices meet both industry regulations and our company's policies. To accomplish this, they are required to stay updated with the changes in laws or regulations that might affect how they handle underwriting.

Types Of Underwriting In Insurance

There are two main types of underwriting processes in insurance -

  • Financial Underwriting
    In financial underwriting, the underwriter thoroughly scrutinises the financial picture of those who are dependent on your income. The process involves examining your earnings, any debts you have, and other financial responsibilities. All in all, financial underwriting is done to ensure that the coverage you're applying for fits well with your family's financial situation and needs.
  • Medical Underwriting
    Medical underwriting, also called mortality assessment, is like a deep check into your health to see how much risk you might pose to the insurance company. They look at all sorts of things that could affect how long you're expected to live, like your age, job, how you live day-to-day, your current health, any past health issues, your family's health history, and even your habits that might affect your lifespan. It's basically about figuring out how likely it is that you'll make a claim.

Underwriting Process

Here are the key steps involved in the underwriting process for life insurance -

Step 1: Application Review

  • Proposal Form Filling
    When you're filling out your application,  take some time out and ensure that each and every detail is accurate.

    Be transparent and honest -don't try to hide anything or give false information! If you've had any medical issues, surgeries, or treatments, provide as much detail as possible. Being thorough helps the insurance company give a 360-degree outlook on your situation.
  • Application Checking
    Once your application is in, the insurance company gives a closer look at it. Small changes or updates usually won't slow things down, but if there are any gaps or missing information about your health or medical history, it could hold up the underwriting process.
  • Underwriting Phase
    Once your application passes the initial check, it moves into the official underwriting phase.

Step 2: Financial Underwriting

  • Submission Of Documents
    To evaluate your financial needs and determine your eligibility for coverage, they’ll require a variety of documents. These may include -
    • Salary slips
    • Bank statements
    • Income Tax Returns (ITRs)
    • Aadhar card
    • Passport
    • Details of other life insurance policies you hold.
  • Evaluation
    Your insurance provider will utilise these documents to ascertain the suitable coverage amount for your life insurance policy.

Note: The specific documents required might differ based on the insurer and the specific policy.

Step 3: Medical Underwriting

  • Medical Evaluation
    Your risk profile, which is what the insurance company evaluates, depends on various factors like your medical history and lifestyle habits.
  • Administration Of Medical Tests
    As part of the assessment process, you might need to share medical details and undergo various checkups, including:
    • Basic tests like checking your height, weight, and blood pressure, as well as assessments like the Treadmill Test (TMT) to gauge your cardiovascular health.
    • Blood tests are often conducted to screen for potential health concerns such as diabetes, cholesterol levels, and heart disease.
    • Drug tests, typically through urine samples, help identify any substance use, like smoking or alcohol intake, which can affect your overall health and insurance risk.
    • Additional tests such as Electrocardiogram (ECG), HIV tests, X-Rays, and evaluations of liver and kidney function might also be required based on your individual health profile.
  • Evaluation By The Underwriter
    With your test results in hand, the underwriter carefully reviews them to accurately assess your risk level. Sometimes, they may ask for extra documents like inspection reports, previous medical records, or independent information to gain a full spectrum analysis of your risk profile and lifestyle.

It's important to note that not everyone will require an extensive medical examination; it depends on individual circumstances.

Step 4: Final Assessment

Once the underwriting process is finished and the insurer has reviewed your medical and financial data, they will -

  • Issue The Policy
    You will get the life insurance policy with respect to the pre-agreed terms and the premium provided that you adhere to the policy requirement.
  • Make a Counter Offer
    If, indeed, you are perceived to be at higher risk, the insurance company will offer a higher premium ( also known as loading). Should you accept this offer, the policy will be released with varied terms and premiums to suit your updated risk profile.

Please Note:

The underwriting process itself varies according to the capacity of the respective insurance companies for assuming and retaining risks. Normally, it is within 10 to 15 days, yet it may vary according to individual profiles and the procedures of the insurers. But be aware that, in case you are seen as too risky to insure, there is the possibility that your application may be rejected.

What Risk Factors Are Taken Into Consideration When Underwriting Life Insurance Policies?

The life insurance underwriting process takes into account several risk factors. Please remember, though, that these can vary from one insurance firm to another.

  • Age
    Your age is one of the most critical risk factors in determining the premium of your life insurance policy. Normally, younger individuals are considered less risky to insure, which usually translates to low premium rates.
  • Height and Weight
    At the time of underwriting, the underwriters will use your height and weight to compute your Body Mass Index (BMI). A higher BMI means you're at a greater risk of getting a disease or medical disorder, so you'll be viewed as a risk by the insurer.
  • Current and Past Medical History
    Underwriters will go through your medical history, current and previous prescriptions, and history of surgeries or treatments. They assess both current and previous medical conditions to get a comprehensive understanding of your health.
  • Family’s Medical History
    If certain diseases or medical conditions run in your immediate family, you may have a higher likelihood of developing similar health issues. Through a review of the medical history of members of the family, the underwriters can gain more insight into the overall risk profile.
  • Lifestyle Habits
    Underwriters also look into your lifestyle habits, such as smoking, drug usage, and alcohol consumption. Such habits may give way to chronic health issues in the future, thus proving more risky to the insurer. Also, you may fall under the high-risk zone if you are engaged in dangerous and risky sports such as skydiving or scuba diving, whereby the chances of accidental injuries are higher.
  • Job
    Your occupation can also influence your risk level in life insurance. If your work carries high risk like underground mining, firefighting, etc., then there is a high likelihood of accidents. Thus, putting you in a high-risk category.

To Conclude!

Life insurance underwriting is a crucial step aimed at providing financial protection that you and your family will need. Underwriting meticulously scrutinises all the potential risk aspects like age, health, lifestyle, and occupation so that the insurance provides individual protection according to the need. From your financial evaluation to your medical assessment, every stage of the underwriting process is very important in setting the terms and premiums of your policy. Now, with this understanding, you can find comfort in knowing you're taking proactive steps to ensure that your and your dear ones' financial future is secure no matter what life may bring your way.


No, there is no fee payable for underwriting in the case of life insurance.

The following are the steps in underwriting -

  • Application Review
  • Financial Assessment
  • Medical Assessment
  • Final Application Evaluation

Underwriting is the complete analysis the insurance companies perform to view the risk aspect of an individual being insured. After you fill out and submit your application, it will be reviewed in detail by the underwriters to proceed with the various eligibility factors. If all goes well, they will accept your application; otherwise, they have the right to reject the same if they feel the profile is of high risk.

Underwriters are the backbone of the insurance sector. They analyse and find out the risk involved in insuring individuals or entities.

Here are two types of life insurance underwriting :

  • Financial underwriting
  • Medical underwriting

Life insurance companies segregate risk into the following categories: standard, preferred, substandard and declined.

In the underwriting process, the underwriters take into account factors such as the age of the applicant, health, lifestyle, occupation, and medical history in order to determine the risk of the policyholder to the insurer. This way, the underwriters can determine whether to accept the application, reject it, or adjust the policy terms accordingly.

The underwriting cycle represents the periodic highs and lows in the insurance business. It's all about how market conditions move from upswings to downturns and then back again. For insurance companies, managing this cycle is a major obstacle. They're always striving to handle these fluctuations effectively.

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