Pre & Post Hospitalisation Expenses: You may incur certain expenses before and after you are hospitalised. The Optima Restore Plan covers your medical expenses for 60 days before you are hospitalised and 180 days after discharge up to the sum insured, allowing you to confidently manage the financial burden of your medical expenses. Keep in mind that the insurer will cover these expenses only if -
• They are related to the condition for which you are hospitalised, and
• Your claim is approved as an inpatient (when you are hospitalised for medical treatment for 24 hours or more) hospitalisation claim.
Daycare Treatment Coverage: Several medical treatments are carried out within 24 hours. No more extended stays in the hospital! These are known as daycare treatments, which provide you with the convenience of a shorter stay and greater flexibility in scheduling. The Optima Restore Plan covers all daycare procedures. No limit is placed on daycare treatment, which means all expenses will be covered up to the sum insured.
Domiciliary Treatment Coverage: These are medical treatments for illnesses or injuries that need hospitalisation but have to be carried out at home because -
• The patient is seriously ill/injured due to which they can’t be transported to a hospital, or
• No hospital beds are available in the vicinity. The Optima Restore Plan will cover domiciliary treatment costs up to the sum insured.
Organ Donor Coverage: The Optima Restore Plan covers the costs of harvesting an organ from a donor for transplantation (when the insured person is the recipient) up to the sum insured you pick.
Modern Treatment Coverage: Some really cool technological advancements are happening in medicine, paving the way for modern treatments that were once regarded as impossible. These treatments have entirely transformed the way diseases and illnesses are treated, providing you with more effective and efficient care. With the Optima Restore Plan, you can claim the expenses associated with modern treatments up to the sum insured.
Non-Medical Expenses: Consumable items such as gloves, oxygen masks, nebulizer kits, and other medical supplies are considered non-medical expenses. The Optima Restore Plan covers non-medical expenses up to the sum insured if you opt for an add-on - providing comprehensive protection even for costs beyond medical expenses.
Preventative Health Check-Up: The Optima Restore Plan offers a preventative health check-up benefit at renewal. It is a great way to keep a tab on your overall health and well-being, and is available to you, regardless of whether you have made any claims.
You get the benefit once at -
• The end of every two policy years if your basic sum insured is Rs. 5 lakhs.
• The end of each year if your basic sum insured is Rs. 10 lakhs and above.
Multiplier Benefit: If you don't make a claim during a policy year, the Optima Restore Plan will boost your sum insured by 50%, which can go up to a maximum of 100%. When a claim is made during a policy year, the bonus under this benefit will be reduced by 50% for the following year. However, this reduction won’t lower the sum insured below its original level.
Restoration Benefit: This feature restores your sum insured once you use it up in the policy year. The Optima Restore Plan restores 100% of your basic sum insured and helps you focus on your health without worrying about running out of coverage. The Restoration Benefit kicks in once the Basic Sum Insured and Multiplier Benefit (if any) have been partially or completely utilised, and will be available for subsequent claims under the inpatient benefit. As long as you renew your policy every year, you can use the Restoration Benefit once every policy year for the rest of your life.
Furthermore, if you choose the Unlimited Restore (optional benefit), you get access to unlimited restorations in a policy year. At an affordable cost. This ensures that you have unlimited coverage for your hospitalisation expenses. Hello, quality healthcare!
Room Rent Limit: This is the maximum amount your insurance will cover for the room you are staying in while you are hospitalised. If you select a room within your plan's room rent limit, you won’t have to pay anything. You will, however, be subject to a proportionate deduction if you choose a room that goes beyond what you are eligible for. So, you will have to pay a proportionate share of the entire bill, not just the difference in room rent. The Optima Restore Plan lets you choose any type of room including shared room, single room, deluxe room, or any room that’s available without any restrictions. Sweet!